Live broadcasts on Saturdays at 5 pm on Youtube on the Soihtumedia channel, and on Facebook on the Soihtuseurakunta page. During the live stream, you can comment and send prayer requests in the chat. Welcome aboard!
Another important project is the orphanage in Arusha, Tanzania, and the missionary and aid work done among the Masai tribes.
Please remember our work with prayers, financial support is also needed. You find our account information in the contact-page.

Free coffee, word of God, prayer & worship. Joy, peace and freedom in the Holy Spirit.
Interpretation into Russian.
Evening snack & fellowshipping.

Evening of Prayer and
word of God
Wednesday 6 pmFree coffee with snacks, prayer, word of God. We intercede together for prayer requests.

Becoming special guests
and events
Official Torch Church, (Soihtukirkko) registered on 30 October 2018
The Torch church (Soihtukirkko), was registered on October 30, 2018 (Reg. no. 900.518). Pastor Hannu Haapaluoma is the chairman, Riina Björkman, the vice-chairman. Soihtu operates as an official Church, an independent congregation in Ruonala, Kotka. Mission and activities continue in the same way as before!We started in 2005 in Karhuvuori, Kotka, where we worked for more than ten years. The Torch Church (Soihtu kirkko) now continues its triumphant journey in Ruonala according to God's vision. The purpose of the Soihtu church is to be a light in this darkening world, the bearer of God's fire and its forward. We want to proclaim the good news about Jesus and his perfect work on the cross on Golgotha, and to encourage, uplift and strengthen believers to live an abundant life with Jesus, walking in his steps. "From Kotka, to all the way around the world."